Promote & Collaborate within the Cultural Sector

About Us

The Cultural Business Network aka CBN is dedicated to supporting and uniting cultural initiatives, with a special focus on black culture. CBN aims to create opportunities for collaboration and networking within the cultural sector. CBN understands the importance of a strong online presence in today's digital world and provides a platform for individuals and entities involved in cultural business endeavors to showcase their work and connect with like-minded professionals. By promoting cultural initiatives, fostering collaborations, and facilitating networking, the Cultural Business Network plays a crucial role in advancing the cultural sector and ensuring its growth and success.

Our mission is to bring about a significant change in the values, beliefs, and behaviors of organizations or communities. This transformation is driven by several factors, with a primary focus on understanding and addressing the impact on black businesses and families. We aim to improve overall performance, ensuring equal opportunity employment laws and rights are enforced, and promoting diversity within these environments. By doing so, we strive to tackle social issues and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Through our efforts, we aspire to create lasting change that benefits individuals, businesses, and communities alike.

woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
1 U.S.A dollar banknotes
1 U.S.A dollar banknotes

Our Mission

woman in purple and yellow floral dress
woman in purple and yellow floral dress

Our Services

CBN is dedicated to promoting cultural diversity within our community. We understand the importance of embracing different cultures and creating an inclusive environment for everyone. To achieve this, we offer a wide range of services and events that celebrate and support cultural diversity. Our services include language classes, cultural workshops, and resources for immigrants and refugees. We also organize events such as multicultural festivals, art exhibitions, and music performances that showcase the rich diversity of our community. Through these initiatives, we aim to foster understanding, appreciation, and respect for all cultures, bringing people together and creating a harmonious community where everyone feels valued and included.

The Cultural Business Network has been instrumental in expanding our reach and connecting us with valuable partners.


Contact Us

brown and blue ceramic mask
brown and blue ceramic mask